avtor: Dalibor Bori Zupančič
naslov: Tedaj veste, kje ste
leto nastanka: 1975
zvrst: akcija
tehnika: fotografska dokumentacija
Umetnikov komentar
Za 16. junij 1904 velja, da je najbolj znamenit dan svetovne literature. Na ta dan se je zgodil Bloomov sprehod po Dublinu, kot ga je opisal James Joyce v Uliksu. Točno enainsedemdeset let kasneje, 16. junija 1975, sem se v spalni halji, ki sem jo našel v kovčkih, na domačem podstrešju, sprehodil po Celju.
/Origins of Bloomsday
June 16, 1904, Bloomsday, is surely the most famous single day in literature, a day celebrated all over the world.
Why the day is famous is clear: James Joyce set the events of Ulysses on that day. Why Joyce chose this particular day is less certain. He never said why, and we can only speculate. Not much happened in the world on that day – at least in the Western world… /